Breite max. 6.200 mm
Höhe min. 40 mm
Tiefe max. 2.500 mm
Gewicht max. 5.000 kg

Compact System

3 in 1: Buffer storage, individual removal, integrated crane

The Compact System provides everything that is required for handling directly at the machine. The basic framework is a drawer rack for sheets with swivel-mounted attachment structure and is ideal for easy loading and unloading. An attachment is located on the rack as a buffer store to increase the warehouse capacities. As an alternative, the complete system can also be loaded from the rear.

A crane pillar is located directly near the rack frame, the pivoting jib of which is equipped with a vacuum lifting device for plate material. As an alternative, instead of the fixed roof level of the structure, a flat pallet magazine can be installed.
Compact System
Convince yourself of our Compact System – More pictures

Advantages of the Compact System

  • Ideal for sheets or other plate material
  • 3-in-1 solution saves procurement costs and space
  • All functions available directly at the rack
  • Space-saving design with lifting system, swivel crane and vacuum hoist

Custom-made Compact System

If you need to store special materials or certain spatial requirements must be met, our consulting engineers will be happy to create individual concepts for you.

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Accessories for the Compact System

  • Number of storage shelves
  • Roof level
  • Buffer storage, access on both sides
  • Various colours / custom paint coats in all RAL colours
  • Custom dimensions
  • Depalletiser

Safety thanks to rack inspection

The Compact System requires mandatory inspection. As safety is always a top priority, we offer rack inspections according to DIN EN 15635. Serious accidents and high repair costs can be avoided by effectively preventing damage to the storage equipment! Our TÜV (German Technical Inspectorate) certified rack checker provides the annual safety check for your warehouse equipment in accordance with DIN EN 15635 according to BGR 234. Learn more about the rack inspection.
